
What is the Coaching and Supervision? How Azadeh use this in her work?


Coaching is a collaborative, adapted solution-focused and systematic communication process that promotes action, learning and development – on a personal and professional level through e.g. awareness, motivation, and accountability. Coaching builds on the focus person’s resources such as his knowledge, experience, values and qualities, and makes use of skills and methods for the focus person to activate these in the form of their own conceptual apparatus and ways of acting. 


Supervision is an ethical act where the supervisor/Counsellor has a competence that can help the focus person to tell about their practice, discover their needs, opportunities and perhaps their limitations. Guidance can be defined as a formal relationship and pedagogical recovery process that aims to iron out the focus person’s mastery competence through a dialogue based on knowledge and humanistic values.

Up to each client what they wish for

Azadeh mix those concept, with her healing work too, not every sessions includes healing, often zoom meetings doesn’t include any live healing at all, healing will be sent after if its welcomed.It up to each client what they wish for and what is their needs.